CSCS24-2023 Main Conference, Workshops, and Doctoral Symposium


The 24th Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS24 2023)
24-26 May 2023, Bucharest, Romania

We have the great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 24th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS24). The conference will be held in Bucharest, Romania, from May 24 to May 26, 2023. The 24th edition of the CSCS Conference continues a tradition of more than 48 years as a biennial international event. The main scope of CSCS is to cluster the latest research topics relevant to both Computer Science and Control Systems and to promote cutting-edge research significant to mainstream topics of these two related domains.

We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the 24th CSCS conference, considering our mission to bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners involved in Control Systems and Computer Science domains. We consider the following area of interest, but not limited to:

Control Systems:
Systems and Signals, Advanced Control Strategies, Intelligent Manufacturing, Robotics and Robots, Cognition Control, Bio-engineering and Control, Bio-technologies, Control Applications: Power Systems, Manufacturing, Agriculture, Cyber-Physical Systems, Sensor Systems, Network Control Systems, Intelligent Control Systems, Adaptive Control, Robust Control, Non-linear Control, Prediction Models, Hybrid Control Systems

Computer Science:
Distributed Computing, Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing, Mobile and Pervasive Computing, Big Data and Analytics, High-Performance Computing, Internet of Things, Future Internet, Embedded Systems, Computational Intelligence, Multi-Agent Systems, Machine Learning, Computer Vision and Computer Graphics, Human Machine Interfaces, Semantic Web, Security, System Software, System Engineering and Theory

The 11th International Workshop on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Fractal Analysis (IAFA-2023)
The 10th International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems (IWoCPS-2023)
International Workshop on Design and Spontaneity in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (DS-CSCL-2023)
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine & Healthcare (AIMH-2023)
International Workshop on Advance Control in Smart Grid (ACSG-2023)
International Workshop on Smart Services for Edge and Cloud Computing (SSeCC-2023)
International Workshop on Cyber Security and Resilience of Large-Scale Distributed Systems (CSR-LSDS-2023)
International Workshop on Monitoring and EviDEnce-based protocols, applications and platforms for active living and Aging (MEDEA-2023)
International Workshop on Trends in Computer Science and Engineering Education (CSE-Edu-2023)
International Workshop on Environment Control Systems (ENV-2023)

Doctroal Symposium:

CSCS24 2023 Program Committee:


Conference Paper Submission Deadline: February 19, 2023
Workshops Submission Deadline: February 26, 2023
Doctoral Symposium Submission Deadline: March 5, 2023

Author Notification: March 14, 2023
Camera Ready: April 7, 2023
Author Registration: April 7, 2023
CSCS23 Conference, Workshops and Doctoral Symposium: May 24-26, 2023

*All deadlines are midnight CE(S)T (Bucharest).


The full paper in PDF format will be submitted via the EasyChair system. In the submission phase, please select the category and the main topics related to your paper, specify the full name of all authors, and include the keywords.

Please send your paper(s) with no more than 8 pages, A-4 sheets, Times New Roman font, using the IEEE format. For submissions, only PDF format is accepted. Details about the author(s) must be provided: first name, last name, affiliation, position, mailing address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address. For papers with multiple authors, the contact person must be indicated. You can confirm the IEEE Computer Society Proceedings Author Guidelines at the following web page:


On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the CSCS24 2023, we invite your sponsorship of the conference. As a sponsor of this conference, you will enjoy the opportunities to closely interact with worldwide researchers in academia and industry and the top-notch postgraduate students and practitioners in the field. Your participation will increase your visibility in the community and industry. It will also provide you with an unrivaled opportunity to network with key players and demonstrate your innovative services and products. Your financial support will ensure that the costs of the conference remain accessible for students, and will improve the quality of the conference experience for all attendees worldwide.

We offer three levels of sponsorship. We also welcome any customized sponsorship proposals to best suit your needs. If you have any creative or interactive ideas for the activity, we would be interested to talk to you about how we can incorporate them into a personalized package.

We welcome you to get in touch with us ( and for any questions or suggestions for the conference and the engagement of attendees with the sponsors. Thank you very much in advance for your attention and your support!


Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers (ACS)
Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics (SRAIT)

IEEE (under approval)
IEEE Computer Society (under approval)
IEEE Romania Section (under approval)

We kindly encourage you to forward this message to all your colleagues and collaborators.

We are looking forward to your submissions and to seeing you in Bucharest, Romania in May 2023.

General Chair
Ioan Dumitrache, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

General Co-Chairs
Adina-Magda Florea, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Mihnea-Alexandru Moisescu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

PC Committee Co-Chairs
Florin Pop, University Politehnica of Bucharest & National Institute for Research & Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest, Romania
Alexandru Dumitrascu, University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania

PhD Application and Admission


Prevention and Risk Monitoring Measures in Relation to COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest



Joint/Double PhD in wearable computing & IoT


Target audience: fresh MSc graduates in various engineering fields (who have completed their first master no earlier than Fall 2015) and who are passionate about pursuing a PhD in a research field of high relevance to today’s society (wearable computing & IoT).

Job description: fully funded 36 months PhD positions towards double/joint PhD programs in 5 top European technical universities in Finland, Italy, Spain, Czech republic, and Romania

Application deadline: 28th of February 2019

Starting time of the PhD: Fall 2019

Selection criteria: Study records Bsc + Msc (20%); Work & research experience (15%); Motivation (20%); Clarity, relevance, innovativeness, and technical soundness of the ’Dissertation Essay’ (25%); Letters of recommendation (10%); Positive attitude, previous mobility experience, good communication skills (10%); English proficiency: fail/pass criterion

More information and link to the application page:

Open Distributed European Virtual Campus – Registration until 31 Jan. 2017



An international Strategic Partnership with 6 EU Partner Universities.

They offer international ICT Security Online Courses for 6 ECTS Credits at 6 EU universities made possible by “green mobility”. And the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest participates in it.  –  Registration until 31 Jan. 2017

Bachelor Level:
Course 1: Secure Network Management and Computer Networks (Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany)
Course 2: Applied Web Application Security: Attacks and Defense (Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki, Finland)
Course 3: Secure Cloud Computing (University of Cantabria, Santander Spain)

Master Level:
Course 4: Wireless Network Security (University of Padua, Italy)
Course 5: Security of e-Health Systems (University Politehnica Bucharest, Romania)
Course 6: Applied Computer Forensics and Crime Investigation (South Wales University, Cardiff, UK)

They are coordinated by the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany by Professors Peter Mandl, Alexandru Soceanu, Gudrun Socher.

Local Coordinator: Florica Moldoveanu



12th March, 14:00, room EC105, Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, UPB.

Palantir engineers work on building powerful software platforms that
directly address the greatest real-world issues facing us today. Join us for
a demo of our work in disaster relief, as we use the Palantir platform to
identify disaster zones requiring assistance, assess damaged structures, and
manage an efficient and coordinate response. Through this demo and talk, we
will highlight our problem-solving culture, our incredible engineering team,
and the unique mission that drives us.

PhD admission results 2014


Rails Girls Bucharest 2014


Rails Girls Bucharest May 30-31, 2014

Rails Girls is a free workshop for girls and women who want to get a glimpse of web development in a friendly atmosphere.Applications are open until May 20. Apply now!

engl pending




EG304 sem2 2014

Rails Girls Bucharest 2014


New cloud service development – the IBM business model


Thursday, 10th of  APRIL 2014 - AN034 Amphitheatre between 10:00 – 11:30

Polifest Flyer_v1

Google Cloud Platform


Thursday, 19th of APRIL 2014Radu Voinea Amphitheatre (AN010) between 12:00 – 13:30

Google has some of the world’s best infrastructure to build applications on. But you don’t have to work for Google to start using it for your projects. Join us on a tour through the GoogleCloud Platform and get insider tips on choosing the right technology for the job.

FameLab Romania 2014


FameLab International is an exciting competition, which aims to discover the world’s brightest minds in science and engineering. This global competition has become an established model for successfully identifying, training and mentoring scientists and engineers and sharing their enthusiasm for their subjects with the public.

FameLab Romania 2014 is organized by the British Council in partnership with POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest.

Local selection phase will take place on: April 10, 2014 – 12:00 – Rectorate of UPB.

Completed registration forms can be submitted personally at the Department of Public Relations, AN010 room, daily from 9:00 to 4:00 p.m. until March 28, 2013 and can be sent by mail to: relatii.publice @


Ph.D. A&C Student Days 2013


Thursday 26 September 2013

Section I: Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics, 11:00-13:00

Room: ED302

Section II: Automatic Control and System Engineering, 12:00-13:30

Room: ED118

Section III: Computer Science and Information Technology, 10:00-13:10

Room: ED010

Friday 27 September 2013

Section I: Automatic Control and Industrial Informatics, 9:30-12:00

Room: ED302

Section III: Computer Science and Information Technology, 9:30-13:55

Room: ED010

IBM and IEEE Smarter Planet Challenge


IBM and IEEE are in search of creative team based student projects that can help students at any level learn about applying engineering, science and other disciplines to solve real world problems. It’s a great opportunity to put your engineering skills to use…and earn cash prizes too!

The competition is open to college/university students from all geographic locations. Student teams should have three to five members in any year of university study. At least one team member must be an IEEE member. To find out more about this exciting opportunity, visit: or email

Results of Ph.D. Admission Contest 2013


System Engineering
Computers and Information Technology

Scientific Session 2013 of the Doctoral School Automation and Computers “A&C Ph.D. Student Days 2013″ – the 4th Edition


The Doctoral School “Automation and Computers” of the University Politehnica of Bucharest organizes during September 26-27, 2013 the scientific event “A&C Ph.D. Sudent Days 2013″ – the 4th Edition, in which Ph.D. students currently inscribed in the ongoing doctoral studies programs “Systems Engineering” and “Computers and Information Technology” will participate.

Within the fourth edition of this scientific event there will be presented Ph.D. theses in the departments of the faculty of Automatic Control and Computers (A&C), activity reports and remarkable scientific results obtained by Ph.D. students during their individual work programs.

The final program of the scientific event will be available on September 17, 2013.

Ph.D. students who, according to contractual responsibilities, must present in this period of the year their doctoral theses and activity reports in the faculty’s departments, are kindly asked to confirm their participation, by sending the following information: student name, title of thesis, number of activity report, and name of the thesis director, by September 16, 2013, by e-mail to the following persons: Theodor Borangiu ( and Catalina Daraban (