Office for Academic – Industry Relations (BiRME)

The Office for Academic – Industry Relations activates within the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, supporting initiatives of partnership between the Faculty and companies in the IT&C industry, and the design and implementation of collaborative projects.
- Facilitating academic – industry collaboration and implementation of joint projects;
- Ensuring transparency in Faculty projects and partnerships;
- Increasing the impact of Faculty partnerships and projects;
- Enhancing result sustainability, by:
- Developing stable relations with industry partners;
- Developing community traditions through events with repeated / annual editions;
- Large-scale utilization of public resources created in Faculty projects.
- Facilitating the administrative tasks in partnership organization:
- Elaborating standardized partnership agreements;
- Elaborating procedures for internal evaluation and assessment of joint projects;
- Documenting past and current collaboration initiatives.
- Constant information flows within the Faculty concerning:
- Opportunities for academic – industry collaboration;
- Ongoing projects (within the Faculty, UPB, other relevant organizations);
- Past and current partnerships involving our Faculty.
- Familiarizing potential industry partners with the Faculty:
- Inviting industry experts to participate in Faculty events;
- Organizing special occasions focused on academic – industry communication;
- Documenting Faculty activity for industry partners.
- Maintaining a climate of debates and discussions concerning academic – industry collaboration.
- Academic – Industry Roundtable, A&C Brokerage Event, 19 October 2012
- Academic – Industry Roundtable, 14 March 2013