The Romanian Academy TUDOR TANASESCU Award for the year 2010 in the domain of information science and technology
For the group of papers “Communication optimization in distributed systems”, author Mugurel Ionuţ Andreica
The Romanian Academy GRIGORE MOISIL Award for the year 2010 in the domain of information science and technology
For the book “Complexity and Information”, authors Radu Dobrescu and Dan Alexandru Iordache, Romanian Academy Printing House, 2010
The Romanian Academy GHEORGHE CARTIANU Award for the year 2010 in the domain of information science and technology
For the book “UNDINE. Theory and Applications”, authors Dan Şefănoiu, Octavian Stănăşilă, Dumitru Popescu, Romanian Academy Printing House, 2010
The University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest IN TEMPORE OPPOTUNO Award for the year 2011
Awarded to Assistant Professor Andrei Olaru, Ph.D.