Open Distributed European Virtual Campus on ICT Security
Increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks pose a threat to the networks of companies, organisations and governments. In the case of governments, they can paralyse an entire economic system and even undermine national and international security. And there is no end in sight. Quite the reverse: the danger is ever present and growing. Consequently, the need for skilled network security specialists is rising at a dramatic rate. The new DECAMP project sponsored by the EU is specially designed to address this need. With this in mind, specially selected computer science faculties from six EU countries have joined together to form a strategic international partnership, which also includes Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers from UPB. Together we will be developing and implementing a new model for an Open Technology Online Campus.
The Six Strategic EU Project Partners
- Munich University of Applied Sciences (MUAS), Germany, ranked as one of the best German UAS for managers,
- University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB), Romania’s most prestigious technical university,
- University of Padua (UNIPD), one of the most renowned Italian universities,
- University of South Wales (USW), UK, internationally recognized for excellent research in specialized areas,,
- University of Cantabria (UC) extolled as “International Excellence Campus”,
- Helsinki Metropolia UAS (MET), Finland, one of the largest and most international UAS in Finland – all courses taught in English.,
Goals of the Strategic Partnership
- To deepen the ICT security knowledge of EU students and promote cross-border collaboration through virtual “mobility”.
- To enhance the quality and significance of the ICT security curriculum at EU universities.
- To promote the internationalisation strategies of the six DECAMP partners.
- Development of innovative practically oriented blended learning online network security courses for the international learning community by applying student-centric didactic methods.
- Creation of innovative hands-on remote virtual and real laboratories.
- Development of a scalable online campus platform through the integration of herterogeneous virtual lab environments and e-learning platforms for courses distributed in a “virtual campus”.
- Integration of the courses developed into the study programmes of partner universities and mutual recognition of the courses with six ECTS credits respectively (declarations of intention by the six universities already obtained).
- Effective dissemination of the DECAMP project results in order to win EU students.
The online courses to be developed cover the IT security aspects for the following special areas of IT:
- Network Management and Computer Networks (MUAS)
- eHealth Systems (UPB)
- Wireless Networking (UNIPD)
- Applied Forensics (USW)
- WEB Application (MET)
- Cloud Networking (UC)
Project Duration
1 September 2014 – 31 August 2017
Project Coordination
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Funding Body
Co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union
Associated Partners Supporting this Strategic International Partnership
- Siemens AG, Germany
- Info World S.R.L., Romania
- University of Aix-Marseille, France
Registration for DECAMP online courses
- Registration: starting with 5 October 2016
- Online courses will begin spring 2017
Prof. dr. ing. Florica Moldoveanu